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The following categories of cookie are currently set on dmwlogisticsltd.co.uk:
Performance | Performance cookies collect information about how dmwlogisticsltd.co.uk is used so that we can improve the site. All information collected by these cookies is aggregated and therefore anonymous. Accepting these cookies is a condition of using dmwlogisticsltd.co.uk. If you block these cookies we cannot be sure how the website will perform during your visit. | The cookie IS used on our site – dmwlogisticsltd.co.uk use ‘Analytical’ cookies that do nothing more than allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around the site when they’re using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example by making sure users are finding what they need easily. No personal data of any kind is recorded or stored. |
Targeting | These cookies are used to enhance your experience of dmwlogisticsltd.co.uk. They collect information about your browsing habits in order to make advertising more relevant to you and your interests. This information is linked to site functionality provided by other websites, and may be shared with other organisations in accordance with our privacy policy. Accepting these cookies is a condition of using dmwlogisticsltd.co.uk. If you block these cookies we cannot be sure how dmwlogisticsltd.co.uk will perform during your visit. | The cookie IS used on our site – Link to social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkeIn, who may subsequently use information about your visit to target advertising to you on other websites. Allow you to comment on Blogs |
DMW Logistics is a Complete Logistics Provider Offering Warehousing, Distribution & Specialising in Contract Packing